The Death Star
In the 23rd century, humanity has expanded beyond Earth, settling across twelve habitable planets within a fifteen-light-year radius. When Governor Agustin Sanchez, the ruler of Galileo—a colony orbiting the Tau Ceti star—is assassinated under mysterious circumstances, UN Detective Harry Mortimer is called upon to solve the case. Mortimer’s investigation quickly reveals a chilling conspiracy stretching far beyond Galileo’s borders. Equipped with advanced AI technology and joined by his steadfast partner, Scott, Mortimer navigates the treacherous landscapes of interplanetary politics and high-tech crime. But as secrets emerge, Mortimer finds himself the target of unknown forces who will stop at nothing to keep the truth buried. In a galaxy where power knows no bounds, will Mortimer unearth the truth—or will he become the next victim in a deadly game of galactic intrigue?